
220316 본문



focalpoint 2022. 3. 16. 16:08

Personally, I suffered from a skin rash every time I got the vaccine. It was a very hard time for me as it kept appearing more than a month. What’s even worse about it is that I got infected with the virus even after I got the third vaccine. I am very aware that getting vaccinated doesn’t guarantee that one will never get infected with the virus, but still I feel very unfair because of all the side effects I’ve been gone through. In addition, even now, more than three weeks since I was infected, I’ve been suffering from Covid-19 symptoms. To be honest, I became pretty skeptical about the vaccine. They say vaccines ease symptoms, but I’m not sure about it considering my case. I’m not saying people should never get vaccinated, however. My point is that vaccines are not that effective, perhaps less effective than general expectations.

Thankfully, none of my family members were infected by the virus, nor suffered from any side effects. They just had a slight muscular pain on the next day.

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220317  (0) 2022.03.17