일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
- shiba
- data science
- 715. Range Module
- 315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self
- 30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words
- kaggle
- attribute
- concurrency
- 파이썬
- Protocol
- Python
- 43. Multiply Strings
- 시바견
- Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
- 밴픽
- Class
- 109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
- iterator
- Python Implementation
- 운영체제
- Regular Expression
- 프로그래머스
- LeetCode
- Substring with Concatenation of All Words
- 컴퓨터의 구조
- Generator
- Python Code
- t1
- Decorator
- Today
- Total
목록Hobby (9)
The US oil industry doesn’t appear to be in rush to increase production despite the surging prices. The oil industry is restraining growth and it is largely because of capital discipline from Wall Street, according to a Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas survey. A few years ago, the industry invested fortune in production growth. However, it resulted in keeping oil prices low which led hundreds of o..
Staying healthy is perhaps one of the most important things in our lives. However, it is also one of the hardest tasks. As life expectancy increases, staying healthy is becoming more and more essential. Personally, I haven’t tried much to be in good health until recently. However, as I got older, it became very obvious that I must make some effort to stay healthy. As many knows, human body recov..
Personally, I suffered from a skin rash every time I got the vaccine. It was a very hard time for me as it kept appearing more than a month. What’s even worse about it is that I got infected with the virus even after I got the third vaccine. I am very aware that getting vaccinated doesn’t guarantee that one will never get infected with the virus, but still I feel very unfair because of all the s..
A large number of funds flowed into several ETF that invest on semiconductor and other technology corporates. Semiconductor industry, which experienced a collapse a month ago, is especially benefiting from those funds. Although recent stock price went down due to the Fed’s plan to raise the interest rate earlier, it seems to be recovering thanks to positive outlook for semiconductor business. Ac..
[Link] https://edition.cnn.com/2022/02/10/business/fed-inflation-rate-hikes/index.html To fight inflation, the Fed may resort to a tool it hasn't used since 2000 Red-hot inflation is raising pressure on the Federal Reserve to take drastic action to get control of prices. www.cnn.com [Summary & Comment] Recent intense inflation seems to work as a huge pressure for Federal Reserve to take drastic ..
https://edition.cnn.com/2022/02/10/politics/biden-ukraine-things-could-go-crazy/index.html Biden on Ukraine situation: 'Things could go crazy quickly' President Joe Biden on Thursday urged Americans in Ukraine to leave the country immediately, warning that "things could go crazy quickly" in the region. www.cnn.com [Summary] President Joe Biden on Thursday urged Americans in Ukraine to leave the ..
Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/02/06/sport/us-born-figure-skater-beverly-zhu-yi-china-olympic-intl-hnk/index.html US-born figure skater Zhu Yi under attack after fall on Olympic debut for China Representing China, California-born figure skater Zhu Yi is facing a firestorm of attack on Chinese social media after she fell flat on the ice and finished last in a women's short program team event ..
무언가를 예측하고, 그 예측이 맞아떨어지는 것을 확인하는 일은 참 즐겁다. 2021 롤드컵 결승전 3Set 양팀의 밴과 픽은 8강을 앞두고 적어둔 티어리스트의 내용에 정확하게 부합되었다. 오늘은 결승전 3Set 밴&픽의 내용을 복기해둔다. 블루 밴 - 키아나, 라칸, 그레이브즈 DWG가 2set에 잘 활약했던 키아나와 라칸을 밴해주었다. 여기서 주목해야 할 점은 EDG가 트페 밴을 풀었다는 것. 레드 밴 - 유미, 나미, 자르반 EDG가 트페 밴을 하지 않은 것에 대한 DWG의 밴 대응이 훌륭했다. 변수가 될만한 유미와 나미(루시안)을 자르고, 보통은 리신을 밴 해야 하지만, 리신을 밴하지 않음으로써 압도적 1티어 픽 3개(트페, 리신, 아펠) 중 2개를 가져올 수 있게 되었다. 블루 1픽 - 트페(독보..
2021롤드컵 8강 밴픽 티어 리스트 (기준일자: 2021-10-21 (목)) 1. 탑 1티어: 그레이브즈, 케넨, 제이스 - 그레이브즈: 무난한 선픽 카드. 라인 푸쉬 능력이 좋아서 상대 정글을 찾아주는 역할을 잘 수행하며, 갱 회피 능력도 매우 뛰어남. 선픽으로 뽑아도 성능이 좋은 확실한 1티어 챔프. - 케넨: 선픽이 가능한 카드. 카운터 픽은 꽤 있지만 버티는 플레이가 용이한 편. 한타 잠재력이 매우 뛰어난 픽으로 상대에게 탈진을 강요한다는 것도 장점. AD가 많이 나오는 현 메타에서 성능이 좋은 몇 안되는 AP라는 점 또한 큰 장점. 다만 다이브에 약함. - 제이스: 선픽이 가능한 카드. 역시 카운터 픽이 꽤 있음(오공, 이렐). 케넨에 비해 선픽 난이도가 더 높다고 보는 것이 맞으며, 블루2-..